Halloween Costume
11:33 AMI don't know what to dress up as for Halloween!! I only have a few days to make up my mind. Last year, Jake and I made our own costumes.

We had to do the thrift store way but I actually ended up spending around $40 with all the props needed. So for this year, we'll buy a ready-made costume as long as it's around that price, maybe $30 each. Less hassle as we don't have to look through racks of clothes to find the right item in the perfect color or fit.
Last year: Bunny in a top hat Sarah! Yay!
I plan to buy something online but there are so many choices that it started to frustrate me. I've somehow narrowed it down to this nice Robin Hood costume under $30 or if we're going as a couple, we can dress up as this:
I also feel like wearing a wig so under consideration is theme 70's disco... with one of these:
I think the wigs will be fun. =)
I'll wait for Jake to come home and we'll see what we pick.
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