The Makeup Stash

7:08 PM

I didn't take a picture of everything but here's what I basically own right now.

I wasn't expecting to have this much lip products! This is not counting lip balms.

Most I buy are drugstore brands so it's quite easy to grow a collection. >_<

And for a girl who rarely puts foundation on, I think this is a lot. I have three more BB creams and three powders. Yikes!

This is SUPER OLD. Why is this even still in my possession?

It's a very cute and petite bottle!!

I have one more Wet n' Wild palette and a 32-color one from ELF. I probably should toss out the purple set even though I haven't hit pan yet. I've had it for a while.

And I just want to say that this half eyelash curler is very scary to use. Really easy to poke your eye with it and I'm not about to let that happen so I'm throwing this out.

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