Last night.

8:41 AM

Jake made dinner last night. He likes cooking. I'd probably end up doing the baking and desserts. Need to get more recipes!!

Anyway, the adapter ring I ordered from Hong Kong arrived yesterday so I started using my Cimko lens. At first I thought I got a defective piece because I could not zoom in or out, then I figured it's a fixed zoom lens and the dial I was turning is for the focus area. Basically, it has a 2 ft to infinity focus so it's not for macro shooting. Bummer. One other thing is that I had given up on setting f stops because it was not responding, it was always wide open. Only later that evening did I find out that there was this aperture pin that needed to be locked in place to get the stops. I researched online on how to fix it and they say to open up the back piece of the lens, but I'm not going to do that. No way because I don't trust myself that I can put it back together, so I just super glued it to its depressed state. Woohoo it worked!! I still have to play with it more because I am not used to manual focusing and locked zoom and f stops. But Yay! I kind of want to get more M42 lens now. I noticed that this particular lens gives me a more subdued image... more soft, compared to the kit lens which has high contrast and vivid colors. (see below)

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