Next stop, house. Please, universe?

12:20 PM

I know it hasn't materialized yet, but I'm collecting interior design ideas and space usage for a house. I'm looking at color schemes and items to purchase to make a house feel more homey and lived in.

I would really like to have a sunroom. Or part-living part-sunroom.
I can't wait to move out of this apartment. Hey, it's a perfectly good apartment but I feel like it's time to move on. Plus, I cringe at the idea of paying rent. I need to pay mortgage, yes please.

So I've been looking at houses just to have an idea what a starter home would look like around the area. We don't need a big house right now seeing that there's only 2 of us with no pets! My dad told me that people tend to move out of their first house once the family grows, so that really made me think how we should make this a stepping stone and have a learning experience as opposed to trying to ogle at dream houses I most likely cannot afford anyway. It will come in time.

Small kitchen? Small table for three! That expands (I think).

Hello stainless steel counter tops!

Ahh, super simple uncluttered room.

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