Claire's Mood Nail Polish

7:52 PM

I've wanted to try this color changing nail polish ever since I first heard about it but I don't really go to the mall that often and when I do, I forget to visit Claire's. But last Sunday I did not! Yay! I was so excited!

Well, well, well... it wasn't as exciting as I hoped it would be. First, the application was not smooth at all. It had this ugly sandy texture to it that I think is from the glitters, even after putting top coat. And it wasn't opaque! I had to layer 3 times to get some decent color. Plus, I was under the impression that it gives your nails the ombre effect having the "warm" color show up on your nail bed and the "cold" color at the ends. I mean, sure, it does change color, but I have to dip my fingers in warm water to see it, otherwise it's just one color. Maybe my fingers are just cold because it's Fall right now. Maybe it has fabulous effect in the Summer time. Or maybe I should have bought one that has a more drastic color difference. Oh well, it does have a nice purple shade.

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2 Commented

  1. cute color! Ano na new camera mo ngayon?

  2. For this post, gamit ko yung Samsung TL1100. Patapon na. Haha! May dark spot kasi yung lens sa loob. If pansinin mo yung right side nung pictures.


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